Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Customer Service - it means didley squat to most businesses

Here's a customer service industry norm, in response to an enquiry I made about a purchased product.

Thanks for contacting Tower

We’ve received your message safely and cannot wait to get back to you. We always try our best to respond to each email within 48 hours, but please allow up 3 business days for our team to get back to you - there’s no need to send any duplicate messages to us during this time.  

Where's the flaw?

It's here in plain sight.

We’ve received your message safely and cannot wait to get back to you.

And then this...

please allow up 3 business days for our team to get back to you


Not very customer focused. 

Cannot wait to get back to someone probably means (for the recipient reading) somewhere in the region of...  


But no.

It was the lead up tease that has one think, oh goody, a business who cares about their customers and their concerns. 

And then...

The pull away. 

We won't speak to you for possibly 3 days.

Nothing alarming really.

Because alas, that's how most businesses operate.

And that's exactly why there's more room than ever for a business to wow and astonish their customers with a simple, alarmingly effective plan.

And here be that plan:

Solve your customers problems and issues, faster, more cleaner and in a kind and courteous way they've rarely experienced anywhere else, if ever.  

And look, it doesn't take much to do that and clean up in your market place.

No multi-page manifesto or any kind of advanced education needed to make the changes. 

Declare what your customer mission is, and deliver on it. Keep your word and deliver on it. 

"Oh, but I can't do that... there's too much going on.. I can't find the right people... it costs too much money." 

That kind of thinking will produce nothing but a system of non deliverance, of breaking promises, of being talked about in the wrong way. 

That's not a very dignified way to create relationships with the people who pay you. 

Yet, that seems to be the normal standard across the board in how things are done.

2025 can be a gamechanger year for you.

But only if you decide to take the simple actions that'll help turn your business into a service and customer oriented, machine


Want to become the talk of the town with how you astonish your customers in your communications?
Then find out how to do that, here:

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Could be your marketing's number one BIG IDEA.

Here's the NUMBER ONE idea, strategy, thing that I got whilst attending an 8 hour marketing and business building livestream on 5th November 2024, hosted by MR INTERNET. (A name I've now coined for him)

And before I declare what that number one idea is, let me give you the absolute BIGGEST idea that precedes the number one idea above.


Don't be. All will be revealed.


That ABSOLUTE gimongous mother of all ideas is...


And that's it.

Sorry to break that to you and to be a lead balloon party pooper.

There's no wild fanfare or red carpet roll out for that mother of all ideas.

Nor are there any apologies for not schexing it up to any level.

Because the governing overriding principles can't be messed with, meddled, shortcutted, or understated.

They're profound foundational stuff.

The stuff that makes any system, tick.

So what ARE the governing overriding principles that'll work for anyone in any business?

I'll list a few for you:
  • Have an irresistible offer. Or even, a series of them.
  • Know your marketplace, intimately. No guessing allowed.
  • Keep communicating in a way others, aren't, and keep on communicating, truthfully, honestly, entertainingly. 
  • Show up in a way others, aren't.
  • Follow up religiously
  • Handle complaints or concerns obsessively quickly and, with a smile.
  • Drop anything that you can't get a measurable return on.
  • Turn down the noise on anything promoted as a sure fire, quick fix revolution.

Just focussing on those will put you way ahead of where you're currently at right now.

Now when you marry those to the NUMBER ONE big idea I'm going to tell you about now, you'll be a dangerous lethal weapon.

And again, just like the above, what I'm about to share with you is nothing schexy, and nothing earth shattering and nothing that'll have your greed glands zipping and pinging into uncontrollable overdrive.

So, here it is:

Have a 48 hour implementation rule.

So what does that mean?

Simply put, everything you get or learn that's new, or some idea or strategy is brought back to life from the past, implement it, and... implement with speed.

Give yourself a 48 hour window for implementation.

And by doing just that, and look, you don't have to believe me just because I'm bringing it to your attention, you can just test this out for yourself on something small.

Because whan you do, you'll be startled at what you'll discover.

And guess what?

You just might get the addictive bug inserted into your head about implementing things and getting things done at a speed and level that has you energised, and upbeat about what you're doing and what you're up to.

Not only that.

Because of you leading the way with this way of being, you will, as a natural by-product, infect, inspire and instill this way of operating and doing things with everyone who is connected and affiliated with you and your business.

Now let me be very clear.

When I say have a speed implementation plan, I don't mean that you recklessly do things and cut corners, just so you can meet the implementation deadline. I'm not talking about operating in that way.

What I am talking about is having a deadline based mentality to what you do and what you want to create, because in that way, you'll be more alert, more aware, more receptive to what's going on in your business. You'll be more aware and alert in your marketing, your sales, your whole modus operandi than if you didn't have any deadline based implementation window to work within.

Because yes, you'll be more than tempted to stall and delay.

You'll be more than ready to go over things for the dozenth time.

You'll be more than convinced that delaying and pontificating represents 'busy' work.

Take this piece of writing.

I began creating it only 5 minutes after the idea came to me.

I didn't have the idea for it on 5th November and then just let it stew and percolate in the dusty cobweb corners of my tiny little mind.

It didn't happen that way.

And for most of us, things really DO happen that way.

We're lethargic about it.

We mull, and dwell, and pontificate over things when they can just get into motion, right now.

And guess what, new shiny object syndrome, new distractions, new ideas come in the way all the time. And yes, we think we're not deliberately doing it but we hang ourselves by that daily distraction cord nearly every single day.

It's no wonder it's the same people constantly bleat out the busyness line, and the overwhelmed line, and the info overload line.

And that's because there's too many unfinished loose ends (partly done campaigns, offer creations, lead generation, emails, joint venture proposals, business follow up...) all lying on the cutting room floor that needs tending to, that needs tying up and sent packing off into the marketplace before moving onto something else.

Want it so there's a clean slate and a clean operating table to work from?

Then create an implementation plan. Create a speed plan. Create a getting things done, plan.

Because that kind of systematised way of operating and doing things will pay you back in multiple ways, will bring you multiple rewards, will create a system of operation that'll have you approach life and business in a refreshingly open, straightforward, and simple way.

The results required, way.

If you want a sytematised way that'll have you producing engaging, irresistible emails and marketing communications, fast, and without fuss or frustration, then get the simple 5 page booklet here that'll show you EXACTLY HOW TO DO IT!         



Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Communications solves all problems, creates opportunities and openings

Here's a truism that possibly beats the pants of all marketing tactics, hacks and tips. 

What is it?

It's in the title. 


But that's not the end of it.

It's about delivering communications consistently, on time.

Even, ahead of time.

And yet...

The gold rush insanity search still continues for most businesses for that one system, that one media, that one idea, that one tactic, that one hack, that one tip, that one strategy... that'll out do everything else.

Good news.

The above isn't required.

Put the torches and sniffer dogs away.  

Because, whatever kind of current marketing you're employing, when you unleash the communication rocket inside whatever marketing plan you're working to, you'll see results that you'll have not experienced previously.

Take email for example.

ALL online businesses use email to market and sell.

And yet, how many businesses can consistently create the kind of communiations that get opened, read and bought from, and that too, over and over again, the stats on that aren't good reading. 

I heard the great Dan Kennedy mention that it takes most businesses 6 months to get their monthly newsletter written and out the door!

No joke.

I've had past clients cease their newsletters.


Because (in their words) they just didn't have the time or the necessary content to create the thing.

Communication solves all problems, and creates opportunities and openings.

But that single line is what most, simply do not do.

There's lateness in getting back to customers.

There's excuses in not taking care of customer complaints in a timely way.

There's spluttering, umming and erring in getting the next promotion or campaign out the door.

There's delayism and self worth issues going on inside the head of the communicator. 

The emotional head swell gets too much to bear and so things are left unfinished and in floating limbo.  

There's a series of half-baked ideas and strategies lying naked on the marketing floor because of both the greed and scattyness of the owner in wanting to do lots of things at once, yet without the necessary adequate resources to pull it off.

Reputation and positioning is incredibly important, especially online.

And yet, that can all go kaput rather rapidly because of paying scant attention to communicating on time.

Look at any business or personal problem, or opportunity or opening you might be experiencing right now.

Isolate them. 

Put them down on paper.

Look at them then ask yourself these questions -- 

Who am I not communicating to?

Who am I not communicating to in a timely way?      

And if you want to get to the top of the class by way of profit being made, ask this:

What is my communication system for my entire business?

You know what, that last question is both refreshing and cathartic. 


Because you know that once you ask that question, and you take note of the answers it brings forth, you'll see the truth for what it is. 

And by that I mean that you'll see with fresh eyes that your communication system is full of holes and leaking energy all over the place. 

Why is that good?

Because now you get to fix it so it works the way you'd like it to. 

You're done with the inconsistencies, the lethargy, the lacksidasical way your communication systems were implemented, operated and run.

That can be a thing of the past.

Because there's a new communication ninja kid on the block.

Which isn't that ninja at all.

It's simply about creating a timely communication system that's octopussed throughout the business.

Communication solves all problems, creates opportunities and openings. 

And, when it's done with speed and intention, with concerted action and implementation, watch out. 

Because then, you've got yourself an enviable, profitable business machine.   

Let me repeat it again in case it's slipped on by:

Communication solves all problems, creates opportunities and openings. 

Get the little book that'll show you 20 ways to create email content so good that it'll drive your business giddy with profits.   


raja . hireker @ gmail . com 


Friday, 25 October 2024

Your 365 days marketing and content machine

If you're someone responsible for creating results for your own business, or you've been hired to do so for someone else's, then good news!

There's a ready made content machine already in place for you to roll out.

But, you may not know about it.

Now, in case you think that it's as easy as popping a pill a day and be done with it, sorry to break the news to you.

There's work to be done.


Oh, and let me suggest that if you've been brain numbed to believe that you shouldn't include work, or in not having to work that hard, in your messaging, promotions and campaigns, or just in general for your own life -- just like the title of the mesmeric 'The Lazy Man's Way to Riches" that had people buying the book in droves because of the in-built promise of the words Lazy and Riches and how the words been strategically connected inside a person's mind to believe that way and approach --

...then, you'll no doubt LOVE and froth at the madness around creating content and communications via AI.

Especially the part where it proposes to do all the work for you and where you really don't need even a quarter sized brain, and nor do you really ever have to stretch, excel, create.

That's somewhat lethargically captivating, isn't it?

But look...

If you're seriouly hanging all your creative input and content creation into the belief that AI will bring you the freshened, updated, lazy person's way to create marketing so good that people want to buy, stay and consume whatever you have to sell... over and over again, then you might as well freeze frame here and instead, go coddle your brain inside an instant zappy marketing system that has little personality, humanity and all the tried and tested ideas, tricks, strategies and tactics to feast your greedy little robotic eyes on.

In other words...

You've willingly enrolled yourself, your business, your venture, your future, your way of thinking and idea generation... into a world of mee too - ism and delerious sameness, where you're bracketed and pooled together with the many others who are jumping up and down at this life altering, new wonder of the world.

Okay, now we've wrapped that up and got it off our artificial hairless chest, here's your 365 days a year marketing and content machine that you can dive into right away and begin seeing results by tomorrow if you're nimble and agile enough.

Because, what your audience wants, what your customers want, what your subscribers want, is fresh, juicy, remarkably different content and communications thay haven't seen or experienced before.

Who's interested in the same, dreary, haggard, slouchy, plain vanilla ideas, approach and messaging that gives us that shrug of the mind that demonstrates to us there's really nothing going on here except plain-ness and utter blandness?

Can't get revved up, animated and energised about that, can we now?

However, here's a little formula that if you apply it to your business, your venture, your enterprise, you'll be delightfully suprised at what you find happening.

And just to state the bleeding obvious, this isn't a one time foray where you expect to see results multiply from it.

It's a way of being in your approach and application.

Consistently and continiously.

Now whether you use it or not, the google content machine is going to be your suprisingly profitable best friend in this little adventure.

Here's what you do:

1. Plug into google - "todays news".

2. Look at the listings that show up for your country.

For example, here in London UK, here's a partial list of the news of the day (6.39pm, 25th October 2024) 

  • None of us can change the past', King tells Commonwealth. ...
  • A big week ahead and a chance for a government reset. ...
  • Twice homeless millionaire tops UK black power list. ...
  • Kate Bush reveals plans to make new music. ...
  • Lucy Letby loses bid to appeal against conviction. ...
  • Sir Chris Hoy 'blown away' by men seeking cancer advice.

3. Pull out one headline that screams out to you as something that interests you.

4. Get a synopsis of the content piece.

5. Write your own version or interpretation of it.

6. In the call to action, transition and connect your product or service to the content piece and send reader to a link to buy it.


There you have it. 

Nothing fancy, complicated or schexy about it.

Now how many marketers, owners, marketing executives, copywriters, creative commnication specialists will follow the above?

Very few.

Probably less than that.


Because of that dreaded 4 letter word rearing its semi-ugly head again.


This way of doing things, this system, it does take work.

No getting away from it.

It takes a creative brain who can transition and apply ideas into concerted action.

And, to do it over and over again.

It's work.

But it's smart , productive work

Now if you want an alternative to producing content from news, which by the way is what's going on in most people's minds in one way or another because guess what, today's news is fresh, it's what your customer audience is being baked into their heads in one way or another. It's all fresh and recognisable to them...

... then...

What you can do instead is look for things that are happening to you in your everyday life.

Keep your antennae and your wits about you and you'll soon condition yourself to be on the detective lookout for fresh ideas and inspiration.

Again. It takes work.

But now, you'll be into that approach, especially if you don't want to wear the Lazy Person's Much ado About Nothing tag around your neck. 


Want 20 content creation ideas to help fill your monthly marketing content calendar with?
Grab it Here. 

  raja . hireker @ gmail com 



Tuesday, 5 March 2024

IDEAS and ACTION - twin jet propulsion rockets, part 2

 Another unconventional, against the grain idea that can potentially help you sell boatloads of your products or services.  

Like you've read in an earlier post, Ideas and Action are the cashflow assets all businesses need. 

Without them?

You'll be the like the owner of dreaded party on the block no-one wants to attend, despite them having a VIP Invitation. 

You can't fix boring, by piling on the kind of even more boring... nobody wants.   

I've a simple 'idea' for you below to employ. 

And it doesn't matter what's being sold. 

And it doesn't matter what it is you sell and promote.

Because... if you've just one, alert, semi-creative cell in your brain, you'll figure out a way to shift it (the conceptual idea) across to your business.

Now... if you've seen one ad for hair loss, you've probably seen them all. 

Their main thrust?

I was thinning, now I'm not.

Unknown Eastern Doctor Makes Barren Heads, Fertile Again with Miracle Cure.

You'll see multiple versions of this kind of thing, everywhere.  

Now, how about this jolting one. 

And when you see it, do you you think it'll stand out amongst the sea of balding sameness you see almost everywhere? 

Do you think it has read-ability and buy-ability?    

Do you think the particular target audience will FIGHT to get their hands on the product?

You decide - 

My Hair Was Thinning...

Now I’m Completely Bald as a Coot!

“Don’t do what I did”, says desperate, disconsolate Woman in her 40’s, do what her sister did instead and who now has a full head of luscious, thick, unmissable forest of hair

Get your brain whirring. 

Your business depends on it.

Remember, Ideas and Action ARE your business's greatest assets. 

Unlock a small bank vault of sensational email ideas to send your business deep into an ongoing profit zone  

raja . hireker  (@) gmail . com  

(hat tip to the remarkable Lawrence Bernstein for the Ideas and Action)  

Friday, 1 March 2024

Ideas and Action - twin jet propulsion rockets that'll create lots of...

What do MOST businesses and brand owners suffer with?

A consistent lack of new, fresh ideas.

And then, converting those ideas into action in the marketplace.

Think about it this way- 

If you had the SAME programmes showing up on Netflix every week with no new content, then it's pretty obvious that you'd leave and find a better place to be. 

Fresh ideas are THE LIFEBLOOD of your business via your ads, your marketing, your content.

Look at this picture below:

If you haven't figured it out already, it's a fried egg, with cheese and ketchup, along with two slices of toasted granary bread. 

As I was taking the egg out of the frying pan and as it nestled on one of the toasts, an idea struck me about a NEW way to position the food to those wanting to lose weight.        

Now that's a VERY big marketplace, is it not?

So what if amongst all the diets and pills and workout programmes you see all over the place, what if you came across an ad that said - 

"Oversized Thinness --  For those looking to lose pounds WITHOUT giving up on your favourite foods!"

 And the picture in the ad was of a fried egg in between two slices of small granary toasts, where the fried egg came out of the sides of the toasted sandwich. Oversized Thinness.

It might fly. It might not. 

The KEY thing here is to come up with new fresh ideas to test and experiment with.


It'll be business that's somewhat similar to the daily communications for most couples - boring grunting disinterest.    

Continuous ideas and action will always propel you out of the norm.  

Here's 20 Fresh Ways To Get Your Emails Opened, Read, Bought From  

Saturday, 2 September 2023

How to dilute your marketing voice, right out of the game

There are very few businesses being driven with their own unique personality.

Bluntly, most 'businesses voices and personalities' are either too medicinal and industrial, or just plain timid and non unique.

There are also others creating copycatting versions of some other personality or voice in the marketplace who actually does have clout and positioning and presence.

But, what if you actually do have a unique voice and positioning, (or you want to have that uniqueness from the get go) how do you actually dilute and water down that voice, without you actually realising that it's happening?

One way is to have some other voice represent you in your marketing and communications. And in that process, have them end up not sounding like you at all. A cheap suit version.  

And that happens when someone aiming to represent you, doesn't have a deep understanding of your mannerisms, your little quirks and foibles, your way of structuring sentences, your use of analogies and metaphors, your unique language patterns.    

They've not mastered, you. 

They're not interested in creating an Oscar winning performance for you on your behalf.     

And diluted, fake representations in communications can be spotted a mile away by the right audience, just like a knock off Luis Vuitton clutch bag can be spotted by a keen-eyed bag connoisseur.  

The ever respected pioneers of the direct response marketing world, Jay Abraham and Dan Kennedy, have recently had their personalities in print, be clumsily butchered by cheap representations of those speaking on their behalf's.

For specific reasons (amongst them being lack of time and poor health) their once powerful communications and messages, have been outsourced and as such, given the cheap fake version by those who just haven't locked in to how JA and DK actually think, speak and write.

Now they may think they know. But it certainly doesn't come across in the various communications. 

Now to be fair, the headline of this post doesn't necessarily suggest that they'll both be diluted right out of the marketplace because of having their voices watered down and neutralised by those attempting to sound like them in print (they've too much marketing positioning and embedment into the market's psyche). 

But, it does suggest that if you're an owner, an entrepreneur, a business builder or marketer, you want to find your own unique voice and bring that to the marketplace.

And, to not be a watered down version of anyone else.

Doesn't matter what the industry, business sector or niche...

There's ALWAYS room for the non-conformists, the unconventionals, the contrarians, the thud creators, the rebels with a cause, the bold and the courageous. 

Play the communication and positioning game like everyone else and guess what, you'll quite rightly get labelled and commoditised as a sound-a-like, a mee-too, a samey samey.   

Fact is, many like (and revel in it to some extent) being the tribute band version. 

The AI incarnation of an existing voice. 

No unique creativity or thinking, required. 

And that's probably why it's an acceptable way to be for many.    

It's a path of little to no resistance.

But, when you're the authentic cat on the block, no one can mess with your standing by way of trying to copy it and then create their own marketplace uniqueness.  

Can't happen.    

Richard Branson - unique voice and personality.
Steve Jobs - unique voice and personality
Muhammad Ali - unique voice and personality
Elvis Presley - unique voice and personality

The good news is you do NOT have to be a goliath in the game of business, entertainment or sport in order to create a unique positioning (clue - they all started at one time with just an idea and nothing else, and grew into the giants they were) so... having fat whopping marketplace positioning and access to unlimited resources isn't the name of the game.

Being a unique voice in a marketplace that's filled with conformity and dullness IS the name of the game. 

Want to create a UNIQUE marketplace voice? Then start with getting the FREE BOOK that'll help you find your personality and voice in your writing.